
I have done a lot of stuff since 2015. Starting from writing my first "Hello World" Java program in 2015 and creating MCreator mods for Minecraft videogame, ending up with a full stack desktop Java/C# (WPF) applications in 2023 and modding existing games such as Minecraft, Terraria, Risk of Rain 2, The Long Dark and so on.

I have learned a lot of things, and I am still learning. I have a lot of projects, but I have only listed the ones I am most proud of. You can see most of them in my GitHub profile since they have sources.


I have been modding different videogames since 2015, there are some both personal and comissioned projects been listed there. They're got more than 20 million downloads and still counting.

The name of the project leads to an existing GitHub Repository.

My Minecraft Projects:

Traveller's Boots
is a Minecraft mod about boots that speed up the player and makes world exploration much easier and faster.

CurseForge Modrinth GitHub
Angel Ring 2
is a major Minecraft mod which adds a ring that allows the player to fly, which introduced mod compatibilities for other major mods and API requirements. It's became widely known in the modding community and has reached over 17 million downloads by now.

CurseForge GitHub
is a simple and lightweight Minecraft mod to control player's spawn point and dimension using powerful configuration file.

CurseForge Modrinth GitHub
Magical Forest
is a lightweight Minecraft mod which introduces a new magical biome being recreated from one other famous mod called Thaumcraft.

CurseForge GitHub

Also I did a lot of comissioned plugins for Spigot/Paper server software mostly about changing the whole Minecraft mechanics or doing some optimizations to them. I had also several attempts at creating fully multithreaded Minecraft server software. The most successfull attempt was called Chromite and created in January 2021. It was for Minecraft versions from 1.15 up to 1.16.4, but abandoned in the middle of 2021 due to lack of Java knowledge in specific aspects and no free time to work on it due to exams.

Speaking of Chromite, it was a massive Minecraft game overhaul with an attempt of keeping vanilla behaviour as same as possible, but providing performance boost where possible. Me and some YouTubers were doing some public tests on it, and it was a success. It was able to handle ~200 players on a single server with 20 TPS and somewhat low CPU usage. Sadly, it is private and contains a lot of weird code snippets even having experience in Java.

Some videos may be found around the YouTube from public tests from minigames I made, so you can check some examples below.

Also I had done a bunch of comissioned mods for various YouTubers. List of them you can find here: (there are also some of my comissioned maps/plugins)

I also had created some Minecraft servers and networks, but they're mostly private or available for paid subscribers. As of May 2022 and still counting, I'm working on SHIELD.LAND network as a Java Junior Developer and writing some Minecraft plugins/Java stuff for it.

I have done some other Minecraft mods and plugins, but they're mostly private and not available for public or being unreleased due to their quality. One of the examples of it: DonationAlerts Minecraft integration. I did created several modpacks from scratch for different streamers and YouTubers. Some of them are still using them.

I have done a lot of mods for other games, such as Terraria, Risk of Rain 2, The Long Dark, etc. They're mostly private and not available for public.


I have started learning C++ in 2022 and created several applications since then. I had learned Python in 2022 and C# in 2023. I have somewhat understanding of WPF and how it works, previously I had some experience with JavaFX, but I didn't liked it. Some of my applications are available on GitHub, but most of them are private and not available for public. Let me introduce some of my stuff.

Password Generator
is a simple and lightweight C++ program to generate passwords. Was written originally as a solution to a task, but evolved into the simple and useful program.

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Bipartite Graphs API
is a simple API written on Java that determined which graph is bipartite, which is not. Originally was a solution to a task, but moved to another repo for a reason.

The Endless Journey
is a small beat'em up game written on Python. This project was used to learn Python and Pygame library. Features local per-user configuration storage, JSON parsing and not complex gameplay of the spaceship.

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4 Digits
is an C++ console game, where the player should guess the 4 digit number to win the game. Similar to Wordle, but for numbers.

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If you wish to see some my other WIP projects, feel free to find me on GitHub to see some repositories.

I'm currently open for comissions/offers. For comissions you can ask me in Discord or through the Contacts page. If you need a Java Backend Developer or a great person who can learn and adapt as fast as possible, then you're at right place. Ask me through email for CV.

This website is kinda WIP. Do not report issues unless this text disappears. Thanks.

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